Carpooling to Save Lives


About Us

What is ARK

ARK is a social network for people to coordinate with and help each other in natural disasters, specifically hurricanes. There are two types of ARK users, drivers and passengers. People can either sign up to drive other people or to join the cars of other people in order to escape. This is not only beneficial for those who may not have not own a vehicle, but is also hugely beneficial for the entire population. With more people carpooling there will be less cars on the road, resulting in far less traffic. This allows everyone to get out safely and efficiently. The website makes use of's map api in order to show nearby drivers or passengers, most efficient routes and the progress of the storms. Get Me also makes use the google Firebase API in order to track and manage accounts.

Our Aims

With global warming causing a rising amount of extreme weather, being able to respond to natural disasters is becoming more and more important. ARK offers a unique solution by taking advantage of mapping technology and online databases to connect and unite people to help each other. Our aim is to help to facilitate better pre-disaster procedure through colloboration and connection. Ultimately saving lives and connecting and uniting the citizens